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Felipe Emrich

Felipe Emrich

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

In December of last year, I bought 2 1-way tickets through United for me and my wife from Belo Horizonte to Québec, a decision I regret deeply. Because of a family emergency and visa delays, we had to cancel the trip a few days after booking. I requested a refund, but this train wreck of a company denied my request. Instead, they gave me 2 "future flight credits," under our names, to be used later, with the combined value of roughly 1300 USD. Fine, I took it; the credits are valid for one year. About a week ago, I decided to give these credits to a family member, so United, a 6.55 billion dollar company, would not just pocket my money for nothing. I then discovered these credits are not transferrable, because why would anything ever be in favor of the customer, right? Great, I contacted them to see what could be done, and I was told, BY THEM, I could contact them with yet another refund request, asking to have these credits converted to "travel certificates," which essentially means they'd become transferrable; they just couldn't be used to book flights in another company. Fast forward to today; I received an email DENYING my conversion request because apparently, "Travel credits are no longer offered." ZERO EXPLANATION AS TO WHY THAT'S THE CASE. So, now I'm stewing in rage while writing this review, because this is the only way I can, maybe, and that's a big maybe, get my money back. I'm a student in the first year of my PhD; there's absolutely no possibility of me being able to make a trip before these credits expire, and even if I could, I obviously don't have the funds to do so. But hey, why would, and I repeat, a 6.55 BILLION dollar company, allow the vast fortune of 1300 USD to be transferrable? I guess I'm the greedy one. If you ever, for any reason, decide to travel with United, just don't. Take another airline, a train, a bus, a car, a bicycle, a horse, hell, even powerwalk there, but do not give these trash goblins even a single dime. They deserve nothing. My heart goes out to their low-level employees, who were nothing if not helpful and willing. They are the only glimpse of humanity left in this void of greed they call a corporation.



Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Sell fake items & threaten you with lawsuits for honest reviews! When the items arrive fake & you leave a bad review they’re very quick with responses but not once they got your money & have ordered you can email for a response within 24hrs lucky to get one at all message the whatsapp which as auto reply too many messages please send an email you call the number no answer. Waited over a month for some ugg slippers which arrived fake as per comparison with many real pairs bought direct from ugg just this particular colour was out of stock at the time but they magically had them in stock so ordered without reading their poor reputation/reviews before hand when i said they’re fake told me they can’t accept just photos of a authenticated real pair against their pair said i had to have professional authentication carried out to prove they’re fake in which i had done by leading brand poison online deemed fake within minutes they then said they can’t accept that as its photos could be due to bad lighting although we all know real ugg lettering is embossed into the tazzmans not iron on print like ones received not to mention made in china on the box when they’re not they then said this info is incorrect they are made between china taiwan vietenam depending on batches it could just be a defect. No a teputable company will quality control they’re checked before releasing to shops cause it will tarnish they’re name. They opted to arrange collection for a refund in which they did do(so they should) but threatened me in their exact words copy & pasted (We will check the review has been removed, if not we will be forwarding it to an internet law & cyber crime specialist to look into ways we can resolve this lawfully.)



Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Don’t do it! They have policies that are nowhere to be found in their T&Cs. Their customer service responses are inadequate, and they show no interest in resolving problems. I have found them to be argumentative and passive aggressive. This is not the type of environment I want to take my children to. I signed up and paid £849.48 for a 12mth contract and my children’s ages will change during that period (quite obvious really as everyone’s age will change in 12mths?!?!) only to be contacted to be told that I now had to pay more due to the age change. I have paperwork confirming 12mths prepaid membership for all 3 of us yet I’ve been told it’s 1mth rolling for the kids but I’ve paid for 12mths?!? Then suddenly the membership changed to “swim only” with restrictions. In fairness their local club rep was good she agreed that she couldn’t see it in the T&Cs and that when she ran the same application as I submitted she was able to with absolutely no information about these mid contract changes although Ryan told me it was “my responsibility to understand the implications of age changes” - how I am meant to do that when they omit it from the T&Cs I’ll never know. Despite 4 or 5 emails no one has been able to provide the written T&Cs for this material change. What was meant to be a positive experience for my family turned into a disaster. Reading other reviews, I wish I had done my homework before signing up. Bannatyne's seems to make up policies as they go along, leading to misleading information and poor customer service. It's not worth my time or stress to continue arguing, especially when I no longer feel comfortable at the club. I would rather be somewhere I can trust.

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